Little Bossman is free at last

Little Bossman is free at last

Just a short note to let everyone know that I have finally published the novel I wrote back in 1993, when I was 19 years old. I have, of course, published it on The Pirate Bay.

It’s a weird feeling but allow me to quote from my own prologue:

In the midst of the Pirate Bay trial actualizing the rules of a new economy, an arena I am thankful to partake in, it seemed very symbolic for me to finally publish this book as a free ebook and of course also distribute it through the Pirate Bay .

This book wants to come alive, at last. Feel free to copy,
forward and distribute it any way you like. I would love it if you send me a message and let me know what you think; most of all it would be fun to see how far this book can travel.

I am also working on setting up an info page about the book on

Are you not comfortable using The Pirate Bay but still want a copy of the book? The download page also has a PDF.
