
Digital compassion (2019)
All digital services have an impact on humans, society and nature. But rarely do we measure and act on how universal wellbeing changes as a result of what we create. Per Axbom wants to change this. Digital Compassion is a handbook that helps you rethink, providing you with practical tools you can start using immediately in your projects.

The AceAwe Experience Model: Helping You Create Impressive Products (2013)
For many years now, I’ve used various iterations of my AceAwe model in workshops and presentations in order to increase the understanding of the importance of holistic planning and design when creating digital services. The model has always been well-received, and many people have told me that it sheds new light on their understanding of UX (User Experience).
Bonus: When I was 19 I wrote the novel Little Bossman and some years ago I published it as an e-book on Amazon.