CV and profile: Per Axbom

Consultant in UX, design, accessibility and digital strategy. More than 20 years experience of usability and interaction design. Speaker and writer in digital ethics.
- Leapfrog coaching program (2016) – ACC accreditation course
- Adaptive Path UX Intensive (Berlin, 2005)
- Bachelor of Arts in Media and Communication Science, Jönköping University (1994)
- International Baccalaureate, Sigtunaskolan Humanistiska Läroverket (SSHL)
- General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), International School of Tanganyika (IST)
- Axbom Innovation AB, Stockholm, consultant. (2010—)
- XLENT Business Integration / XLENT Consulting Group, Stockholm, consultant. (2006-2010)
- Lumano AB, Stockholm, consultant. (2000-2006)
- IT Management AB, Stockholm, consultant. (2000)
- Ericsson Business Consulting, Stockholm, consultant. (1999-2000)
- Ericsson Data, Stockholm, consultant (1998-1999)
- Stockholms Studenters Idrottsförening (Sports association), information officer (1997-1998)
- Stockholms university student union, information officer (1996-1997)
Roles as consultant
- UX design och research
- Usability expert
- Accessibility advisor
- Coach
- Digital strategist
- Educator
- Facilitator
- Interaction designer
- Speaker
- Visual communicator
- Web designer
- Web communicator
- Web strategist
- in Swedish (ongoing publishing)
- in English (ongoing publishing)
- UX Podcast (international English podcast)
- Digital Compassion (handbook in English and Swedish, 2019)
- Digital accessibility (free e-book in Swedish, 2018)
- The AceAwe Experience Model (e-book, 2016)
Work in progress. Have a look at the Swedish page to see the long list of assignments all the way back to 1996.