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I strongly believe that technology can help millions of people. I also believe it can hurt millions of people. My concern is that too few are paying attention to the harm. What I teach and write about revolves around working with human rights in digital innovation.

For example:

  • How to recognise harm (and listen to people who are harmed) – and talk about it
  • How to avoid, mitigate and manage harm – and pay attention to wellbeing
  • How to see and pursue alternative, ethical ways of working the digital space

You're in the right place. Likely you are aware of ethical dilemmas related to tech, and looking for more guidance and inspiration to cope with ongoing and future challenges.

Thank you for being here with me. You taking the time to subscribe and giving me of your valuable attention means a lot. It gives me energy. And if you find my content worth sharing I truly appreciate your support.

Reading tips

While waiting for the next issue, here are some popular posts you may want to check out:

AI responsibility in a hyped-up world
It’s never more easy to get scammed than during an ongoing hype. It’s March 2023 and we’re in the middle of one. Rarely have I seen so many people embrace a brand new experimental solution with so little questioning. Right now, it’s important to shake off any mass hypnosis and
Benefits and risks of synthetic video and audio
In the one-minute video below I am speaking seven languages. In truth, I can speak two of those. None of the audio is actually me speaking, even if it sounds very much like my voice. And the video? Despite what it looks like, that’s not me moving my mouth.
The world map that reboots your brain
Most maps grossly misrepresent the size of countries and contribute to confusion. Let’s revise our tools to help us get better results.
If a hammer was like AI…
Computations will “estimate” your aim, tend to miss the nail and push for a different design. Often unnoticeably.
ChatGPT 4 fails at solving a Captcha and progress is slow
An image of ChatGPT solving a captcha was spread far and wide recently. The most beautiful thing about the image is of course that it hadn’t solved the Captcha. This made it a fantastic stepping stone for talking about the many illusions of technological advancement. 💡If anybody knows the original
The Elements of Digital Ethics
A chart to help guide moral considerations in the tech space.

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Be kind to yourself,

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