Axbom Innovation Manifesto For Successful Websites

Principles and simple guidelines that make me and my clients more successful.
- Think digital. Act analog.
Yes, my solutions may be digital, but they are always used in an analog environment, by ordinary people. I will always see the people. - Challenge the problem.
I will not pursue a solution without understanding what the problem is. What it really is. I will always challenge your perception of the problem. - Experiment. With human subjects.
A problem can be viewed from many angles, tinkered with and shaped in many shapes and sizes. I will generate ideas, experiment and draw conclusions. And I prefer to test with human subjects in real situations. - Do not tie down the solution.
No matter how finished you or I feel, the solution continues on in conversations and must always be ready for transformation. I will be ready for changing environments. - Success is not a feeling. Exhibit A, please.
It is not a success until the problem is resolved. I will justify solutions with real data and evidence. - Do not criticize. Exceed.
Any solution, no matter how bad it I think it is, is still infinitely better than no solution — because we have something to learn from. If I fail or see flaws, I will not stand around and talk about it. I will do better. - Everyone else knows more.
In the true spirit of crowdsourcing, I will use as many people as possible to develop value-added ideas and solutions. - Share everything.
Steal my work and make it better. I am humbled by your attention and am happy to steal back the improved re-work. I will not keep knowledge to myself. - Use illustrations in communication.
Illustrations are universal and more powerful than plain text. I will use illustrations to help people understand. And to attract your attention. - Concrete is a foundation for success.
I will never say: “We can talk to the audience.” I will say: “These ten people mentioned your brand in social media last week. I have their addresses. Let us go and talk to them for two hours, it will cost 50k SEK. “ - Be human and down-to-earth.
I will always be respectful in my conversation and praise those who should be commended. It would also be wonderful to have lunch with you. We must have something in common if you’ve read this far. - Don’t be boring.
You can do a good job by the book. But it is always possible to do a better job whilst simultaneously having fun and stimulating the mind. I dare to have fun and invite you to have fun with me.